Wednesday, August 5, 2015

California for Two Days

Out of the blue, my dad wanted to go to Great America for the weekend. And so we did. We left on Friday, July 3rd at like 8 in the morning, and got to Santa Clara at around 12:30 p.m. We at lunch at a random sandwich place and went to Great America from there. My dad found out about a for sale by owner car lot like his, so he went to check it out while he dropped off my mom and I at the park. He met up with us later. My mom and I have a really fun time!We went on some scary rides that we never would have thought we would go on!
 So, once my dad came, he really, I mean, REALLY, wanted to go on the log ride that they had there. So we went on it. And my dad said he got soaked, when only his shoes got wet...whatever dad!! Mom and I got soaked!!
After that fun experience at Great America, we had to go find a hotel to spend the night in. We found a nice hotel, like very nice. We had dinner at The Cheesecake Factory. SO DELICIOUS! And the best part, we didn't need to drive there. It was literally down the street from the hotel. So we walked in the dark, but warm outside. 
I love sleeping in hotels, especially when I don't have to share is with a family member. So I had my own queen bed to MYSELF! It was GREAT!
The next day, is 4th of July. We were going to go to San Fransisco, but the news said it was really crowded, and the traffic was already bad enough, so we decided to go to the Oakland Temple!! I think it was way better than San Fran :) 
 In honor of Brother Packer and Brother Perry

 It was really fun and the view was definitely amazing!
On the drive home, since its only like 4 hours, we pass by the Jelly Belly Factory, so we decided to go on a tour in the factory.
We ate a lot of different Jelly Belly's that day...
After that, we drove back home to Reno for fireworks. Like tradition, we went to Hidden Valley Elementary School to watch fireworks from there. It was really pretty!!

Family Comes to Reno

The weekend of June 20th, my whole family came to town for Kari's open house/ reception here in Reno. It was so fun to be with the whole family and do different fun activities with them!

This is from the reception. It was dark when we took these pictures
We were able to go swimming at my grandma's house, and the whole family was able to come 
 And just hanging around :)


Wednesday, June 24, 2015


My best friend, Courtney, who I've known since the middle of 5th grade moved, sadly, to Boise, Idaho, for her moms residency. Her mom studied long and hard to be a doctor. And It all paid off, because she graduated!! Anyways, not only have I been such great friends with Courtney, but also with her family. The Lewis Family. They are Mormon too, also with 5 girls and one adopted boy from Africa. Haha, and Courtney is the youngest girl, like me :) Lots of special memories with Courtney at church, school, the temple, Girls Camp, concerts, sleepovers, movies and just hanging out.

Please don't judge, haha :) no one will ever get the relationship we had. We know everything about each other, like the mistakes, the imperfections, and we still choose to love each other (as friends) and be there for each other. Love you, Court!!  I MISS YOU!!!! AND YOUR FAMILY!!!

My Sister's Wedding

One of my sisters, Kari, got married in April of 2015 in the Mt. Timpanogos Temple. The day was perfect! The whole week I was there, the weather was gross and rainy and windy, then the day of the wedding came. Clear skies and perfect temperature. What a blessing! Kari married this young man named Cooper Fisher. He is super cool! His sister, Kali, is a photographer, and she took the pictures for their wedding, for free!! The pictures turned out great! Here are just some of the many amazing pictures from the wedding. (Thanks Kari!)

 My mom made our bridesmaids dresses, too
I am so happy for them!! I love you guys!!

Starting A new Blog

I just wanted to start over with a new blog because my old one is kind of weird and full of my old stuff and random things no one really wants to read, so here is my new one! I am going to try to post once a month, so hopefully I will do that.